Credence Supporting the USAF Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS) Field Training Unit (FTU) Curriculum Development

October 10, 2017 – Credence is proud to announce our OASIS Small Business task order award to support the USAF DCGS FTU Curriculum Development program. The DCGS is the Air Force’s primary intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) planning and direction, collection, processing and exploitation, analysis, and dissemination (PCPAD) weapon system. Credence is developing, maintaining, and delivering standardized training content and Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) materials for the DCGS enterprise, as well as providing in-residence Initial Qualification Training (IQT) and end of course Performance Evaluations (PE). In support of the FTU student base, Credence instructors are utilizing the DCGS FTU’s Realistic Training Environment (RTE) and providing scenario development expertise to create the most operationally relevant virtual training environment for the Simulated Operations Center (SOC).